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Please Force Regulation of .Com Domain Names

  • To: "comments-com-amendment-30jun16@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-com-amendment-30jun16@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Please Force Regulation of .Com Domain Names
  • From: REDACTED REDACTED <redactedredacted@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2016 00:01:42 +0000

[REDACTED] is a domain name investment company and owns a sizable portfolio of 
domain names.   We agree with others that pricing is an important aspect that 
needs to be considered with regards to this proposed contract extension and has 
not been addressed at all.

We would gladly support the renewal of the .COM contract as is, but only if one 
of the following is addressed by ICANN with relation to the extension of this 

1.) ICANN makes an adjustment to this extension to prohibit VeriSign’s raising 
of prices and additionally seeks to lower .com domain prices over the period of 
the contract.

2.) ICANN makes this contract extension subject to pricing constraints of the 
NTIA and Cooperative Agreement, makes this extension null and void if the 
Cooperative Agreement is not consistently in place, along with any provisions 
that might be imposed in the future by the Department of Commerce and/or 
Department of Justice.

3.) ICANN works with VeriSign to negotiate a situation where the .COM contract 
is put out for a public bid, and Verisign is still the successful winner of 
such a public bid.

Should one of the above be reached, [REDACTED] would be happy to support the 
renewal of the .COM contract with VeriSign through 2024.

Thank you.


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