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Google Registry Comment on Japanese LGR

  • To: comments-japanese-lgr-second-level-27jan17@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Google Registry Comment on Japanese LGR
  • From: Nick Felt <nickfelt@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 20:41:48 +0000

Please find our attached comment, with plain text version below.

Re: Reference Japanese Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Second Level

Via Electronic Mail:

March 31, 2017

Charleston Road Registry d/b/a Google Registry (Google Registry) believes
that reference Label Generation Rules (LGRs) can be a helpful resource for
registry operators, but expresses reservations about the Japanese LGR[1] as
proposed. Google Inc., the parent company to Google Registry, employs
several experts in Unicode and internationalization; we consulted a number
of these experts in the development of these comments.

Our concerns arise primarily from cases where the LGR diverges from
existing IDN tables for Google Registry’s Japanese IDN tld .みんな and for
other Japanese IDN-supporting TLDs or from Google Chrome's IDN policy in
ways that create a potential for variant conflicts or user confusion.[2]
 Further, while not detailed below, we are also generally concerned about
the possibility that the proposed variant sets in the LGR could result in
blocked variant labels that have a distinct and legitimate semantic meaning
from the registered label.

We have the following specific concerns about the strictness of the
proposed Japanese LGRs:

== U+30FC (ー) should follow only Hiragana or Katakana ==
The LGR currently proposes a contextual rule restricting U+30FC to always
follow another Japanese codepoint (Han, Hiragana, Katakana, or U+30FC
itself).  We believe that it would be more conservative to restrict U+30FC
to only follow Hiragana or Katakana codepoints since, in typical word usage
(as opposed to stylistic or typographical usage), it would follow only
Hiragana or Katakana.  This rule also reduces the overall potential for
variant conflicts with U+4E00 (Variant Set 1 in the LGR) by blocking usage
of U+30FC following Han codepoints, where U+4E00 is more likely to occur.
This revised restriction would match Google Registry’s current practice for
.みんな; current practice for Japan Registry Services (JPRS), the backend
provider for three TLDs that allow Japanese IDN registrations .sakura,
.ntt, and its .brand TLD .jprs;[3] and intended practice for Google Chrome
(current practice for Google Chrome is even stricter but this is likely to
be changed).

== Other potentially confusable characters ==
We have identified several other potentially confusable pairs of characters
currently within the LGR repertoire and note that there may be more that we
have not yet identified.  Two of these pairs are listed in the latest
version of UTS #39 confusables.txt,[4] while two of them are not (which may
be an unintentional omission).  The pairs are as follows:

1. U+3078 (へ) is confusable with U+30D8 (ヘ)
2. U+3079 (べ) is confusable with U+30D9 (ベ)
3. U+307A (ぺ) is confusable with U+30DA (ペ)
4. U+30CB (ニ) is confusable with U+4E8C (二)

The first three pairs represent Hiragana (U+307X) and Katakana (U+30DX)
versions of the letters HE, BE, and PE, and they are represented by very
similar glyphs in many fonts.  Chrome currently places a restriction on the
appearance of the U+307X codepoints in a label that is otherwise entirely
Katakana, and likewise restricts the appearance of the U+30DX codepoints in
a label that is otherwise entirely Hiragana.  We do not necessarily endorse
this specific restriction, which may be either overbroad or incomplete, but
believe it highlights a set of concerns that a reference LGR may need to

The fourth pair represents the Katakana letter NI (U+30CB) versus the CJK
UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-4E8C meaning "two".  While in many fonts these are
distinguishable, in some they are more easily confused, and may also
represent a confusability risk that should be considered.

== Conclusion ==
We request further community deliberation to arrive at a consensus on the
desired rules. We welcome further engagement on the issues raised herein,
as well as the general concern over whether variant sets in the LGR could
result in blocking legitimate, distinct variant labels.


Nick Felt
Software Engineer, Google Registry

[3] https://www.iana.org/domains/idn-tables/tables/jprs_ja_1.0.txt
[4] http://www.unicode.org/Public/security/latest/confusables.txt

Attachment: google_registry_japanese_LGR_comment.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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