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Non Accredited Registrars

  • To: comments-lac-dns-marketplace-22sep16@xxxxxxxxx, Ceilacdnsstudents@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Non Accredited Registrars
  • From: Malisa Richards <malisarichards25.2008@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 19:38:45 -0800

How does ICANN intend to deal with the vast number of non accredited
registrars in the LAC region? What provision does ICANN have for Registrars
that may not be able to afford the high cost of RAA?

Best Regards,

Malisa Richards

*"Life is worth living!! It is not the quantity of things you have or the
places you've been or the people you've met that matters....it is the
quality of life you live, which is determined by the little and sometimes
insignificant things in life. It is the little things that lead to the
larger and more visible aspects of life. Pay attention to the little things
in your life today and always...." *

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