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INTA Comments

  • To: "comments-mobi-renewal-23dec16@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-mobi-renewal-23dec16@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: INTA Comments
  • From: Lori Schulman <lschulman@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 23:48:44 +0000

Attached please find INTA's comments.  Feel free to contact me with questions 
or concerns.

Lori Schulman
Senior Director, Internet Policy
International Trademark Association
1250 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 200
Washington DC, USA
+1-202-704-0408, skype: lsschulman


Find us on: [Description: Description: Description: 
cid:F361C18F-02FE-4CF0-A43E-AA8566DC2514]  Twitter<https://twitter.com/INTA>  
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LinkedIn<http://www.linkedin.com/groupInvitation?groupID=69899>  [Description: 
Description: facebook-logo (2)]  

[Description: Description: pnpb_sig.png]

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Attachment: INTA Comments - Proposed dot MOBI Registry Agreement.pdf
Description: INTA Comments - Proposed dot MOBI Registry Agreement.pdf

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