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ccNSO SOP working group comments on the ICANN Draft Operating Plan and Budget FY16-FY20

  • To: "comments-op-budget-2016-2020-11nov14@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-op-budget-2016-2020-11nov14@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: ccNSO SOP working group comments on the ICANN Draft Operating Plan and Budget FY16-FY20
  • From: Giovanni Seppia <Giovanni.Seppia@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 08:20:42 +0000

Dear Sir, Madam,

Please find attached the submission of the ccNSO Strategic & Operational 
Planning Working Group (SOPWG) on ICANN’s Draft Operating Plan and Budget 

We look forward to receiving your feedback on how our recommendations will be 
implemented in the final version. We remain available for any further input 
and/or clarification you may need.

Best wishes for the festive season,

Giovanni Seppia
SOP WG Interim Chair

Giovanni Seppia
External Relations Manager

Woluwelaan 150
1831 Diegem - Belgium
TEL: +32 (0) 2 401 2750
MOB:+39 335 8141733

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Attachment: ccNSO SOP WG - OP1620-comments-24122014.pdf
Description: ccNSO SOP WG - OP1620-comments-24122014.pdf

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