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I am STRONGLY AGAINST the erosion of WHOIS anonymity for pure corporate gain.

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: I am STRONGLY AGAINST the erosion of WHOIS anonymity for pure corporate gain.
  • From: Matthew <matthew@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2015 10:42:45 -0800

I am STRONGLY AGAINST the erosion of WHOIS anonymity by imposing limits on the use of proxy registration services which mask domain ownership.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the entertainment industries' pressuring ICANN into this further erosion of personal privacy - on the internet and via other media - simply for corporate gain. The internet - a network of connected points - should be just that; many points of view, not just one industry sector forcing it's view on all.

Privacy is privacy. Copyright and Trademark infringement is infringement. How affect a balance?

The classification of 'commercial sites' as "sites that run ads" fails as a site using ad sales to simply support itself while presenting unpopular views doesn't meet the 'commercial site' test and does need protection from bully's who seek to silence it.

Curtailing free speech is not a valid reason to support monetary greed.

Let the entertainment industries continue to use due process and a courts' order to gain the information they seek.

Further erosion of personal privacy is not the way.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT privacy: The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few, or the one entertainment industry sector.

Matthew Manes

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