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iCANN - Respect Our Privacy

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: iCANN - Respect Our Privacy
  • From: Nathalie Lussier <nathalie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 15:55:02 -0500

Dear ICANN –

Regarding the proposed rules governing companies that provide WHOIS privacy
services (as set forth in the Privacy and Policy Services Accreditation
Issues Policy document):

I urge you to respect internet users' rights to privacy and due process.
- Everyone deserves the right to privacy.
- No one’s personal information should be revealed without a court order,
regardless of whether the request comes from a private individual or law
enforcement agency.

As a woman small business owner, I've already experienced that the internet
is unsafe for women. The anonymity of the web makes it easy for predatory
men to make threats, and having our addresses publicly available is no way
to live your life in fear, for your own safe or for the safety of your

As a small business owner, I know I am part of the backbone of the economy
and I strongly urge you to consider the vast ramifications of making
private addresses public.

Private information should be kept private. Thank you.

  [image: photo]
*Nathalie Lussier*
Digital Strategy To Match Your Ambition
 p:802-323-1841 | w:http://NathalieLussier.com
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