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ICANN - Respect Our Privacy

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN - Respect Our Privacy
  • From: matthew rummler <mattrummler@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2015 16:03:08 -0600

Dear ICANN –

This email is in regard to the proposed rules governing companies that
provide WHOIS privacy services (as set forth in the Privacy and Policy
Services Accreditation Issues Policy document).

Aren't these the sort of decisions that should be vetted through the
NETmundial Initiative?

If they already have, maybe NETmundial is not what it should be, a method
to "...provide a platform that helps catalyze practical cooperation between
all stakeholders in order to address Internet issues and advance the
implementation of the NETmundial Principles. "

NOTE: all of us who have domains are stake holders and would wisely be
treated as such... meaning: all decisions will most effectively be made
only by tallying the input of ALL stake holders.

Please respect internet users' rights to privacy and due process.
- Everyone deserves the right to privacy.
- No one’s personal information should be revealed without a court order,
regardless of whether the request comes from a private individual or law
enforcement agency.

Private information should be kept private.

Thank you.

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