[dssa] weekly status report
hi all, the ops/leader group met this week and sketched out the plan for the rest of the summer and into the fall. we're hoping to start up weekly teleconferences in about a week. so don't forget to fill in Kristina's Doodle poll so we can find the best time for the calls. here's a link to the poll (thanks to all who've already completed it); http://doodle.com/hdu6u78ygxpg9cfk our approach is to spend one call to review and refine the results of Singapore session. given that it's the holiday season in the northern hemisphere, we'll accommodate uneven attendance in a couple ways. we won't take any decisions until they've been discussed on at least two calls and we'll also run any decisions across the mailing list for review and comment. we'll take a look at the more "process" oriented questions first and work our way toward content as we get into August -- with the goal of being really ready to dig into our Threats work beginning in September when people return from holidays. thanks, mikey Attachment:
DSSA Status report 10 Sheet1 Sheet1.pdf - - - - - - - - - phone 651-647-6109 fax 866-280-2356 web http://www.haven2.com handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.) |