[dssa] weekly status report -- NOTE: this one is interesting, for a change -- you might want to read it
hi all, we writers of status reports mostly enjoy ones that are really boring. but after 10 boring ones in a row, it's a nice change of pace to write an "interesting" one every once in a while. this is perfect -- it's interesting, but not a crisis. the question of "methodology" has been on our minds for the last few weeks and now, as we start to focus on a specific one (NIST 800-30), it is becoming clear that the choice of methods, and the worksheets that we'll use to conduct our analysis, are likely to be a pretty important deliverable of this working group. so the Ops team will be pondering whether this is a big enough piece of work (that's not called out in our charter, but is required in order to complete the work that *is* called out in our charter) to take back to our respective chartering organizations for review. i'm copying the Ops list on this status report since i know some of you AC/SO leader people tend to watch that list a little more closely. right now it's safe to say that this is just an alert with no action required. enjoy, mikey Attachment:
DSSA Status report 30 Sheet1.pdf - - - - - - - - - phone 651-647-6109 fax 866-280-2356 web http://www.haven2.com handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.) |