[dssa] weekly status report
hi all, i've just spent a week in a nature preserve in Costa Rica -- which ranks right up there in the "best office ever" competition. Marcie and i will be heading back to Wisconsin tomorrow and from there we'll all begin the dash to Prague. i spent the week alternating between amazing hikes in the rain forest and banging out some tools and discussion-drafts for the report. we can treat them as throw-away documents if they're no good, but i find it easier to build a detailed outline and fill in the blanks when writing a report on a moderately tight timeline. meetings start up again next week -- Ops on Monday, DSSA on Thursday. mikey Attachment:
DSSA Status report 45 Sheet1.pdf - - - - - - - - - phone 651-647-6109 fax 866-280-2356 web http://www.haven2.com handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.)