[dssa] new/improved version of the scenario-building worksheet - Version 4
hi all, it's new, it's improved. that's right folks, there's a new version of the scenario-building spreadsheet that makes that old one just look terrible by comparison. you know you want it! wait no more -- the new version is yours to behold and today's low low price. new features include; -- Arithmetic! imagine the joy this will bring to Cheryl's heart -- Definitions! Julie gonna be lovin' this… -- One-row summary! well, i'm probably the only person who's gonna care about this, but hey i get to build features for me too every once in a while. yep, today and today only. VERSION 4! i skipped version 3 after Excel fell down and couldn't get up again, so you're skipping from version 2 to version 4. that's OK. mikey Attachment:
DSSA - Risk Scenarios v4.xls - - - - - - - - - phone 651-647-6109 fax 866-280-2356 web http://www.haven2.com handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.) |