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[dssa] Revised: Prague: DSSA-WG and Meetings of Interest

  • To: "dssa@xxxxxxxxx" <dssa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [dssa] Revised: Prague: DSSA-WG and Meetings of Interest
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 09:13:51 -0700

Dear DSSA-WG Members,

Here is a revised list of the DSSA-WG meetings and other meetings of interest 
in Prague.  This includes the ccNSO update and the room and details for the 
ALAC update.  The DSSA-WG meetings are called out with asterisks.  For the full 
meeting schedule see: http://prague44.icann.org/full-schedule.  I'll send 
updates as they occur.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


*NOTE:  All times are local.  Prague is UTC+2, EDT-6, PDT-9 hours.**

Sun Jun 24
**1:50-2:20 pm — DSSA-WG Update to the ALAC, Roma, Details: 

Mon Jun 25
2:00-3:30 pm -- SSR Review Team Final Report - Grand Ballroom, Details: 
4:30-5:30 pm -- Forum on DNS Abuse - Congress I-II, Details: 

Tue Jun 26
**2:00-2:45 pm -- Part of the ccNSO Security Session (15 minutes-20 minutess 
DSSA update, followed by AoC SSRT update/discussion), Chez Louis, Details: 
http://prague44.icann.org/node/31679 **

Wed Jun 27
8:00-9:00 am -- FY13 SSR Framework Open Discussion - Chez Louis, Details: 
8:30 am to 1:45 pm -- DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN Meeting - Congress I, Details: 
**2:00-6:00 pm — DSSA-WG Update to the GNSO (exact time on the agenda is TBD), 
Congress 1, Details: http://prague44.icann.org/node/31781**

Thu Jun 28
8:00-9:00 am -- SSAC Public Meeting at ICANN Meeting - Tyrolka Room; 
1-800-550-6865, pass code 3458#; http://www.adigo.com/icann/
**9:00-10:30 am -- DSSA-WG - Tyrolka Room, Details: 
10:30-Noon -- Board DNS Risk Management WG - Tyrolka Room, Details: 

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