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[gnso-osc] Motion to Approve OSC Charter

  • To: "Council GNSO" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc] Motion to Approve OSC Charter
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 13:17:40 -0500

On behalf of the OSC, I am submitting the following motion for approval
of the OSC Charter by the Council in its 8 January 2009 meeting.  I
welcome a second, any friendly amendments and questions.
Chuck Gomes

Motion to Approve the OSC Charter


30 December 2008



*       The GNSO Council reviewed and accepted the new GNSO Improvements
Implementation Plan
ementation-plan-16oct08.pdf>  [PDF, 96K] developed by the Planning Team
at its 16 October meeting.
*       That Plan called for the creation of an Operations Steering
Committee (OSC) to oversee efforts to enhance the GNSO's structure,
constituencies, and communications.
*       The OSC was formed and held five teleconference meetings and
conducted various online discussions as of 30 December 2008.
*       The OSC reviewed and modified the draft OSC Charter prepared by
the GNSO Improvements Planning Team and recommends that the Council
approve the revised draft Charter dated 22 Dec 08 and contained at the
committee's wiki site at
osc> .



*       The GNSO Council approves the OSC Charter and directs the OSC to
proceed in fulfilling the terms of that Charter.

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