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Re: [gnso-osc] FW: GNSO Operating Procedures Final Drafts

  • To: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc] FW: GNSO Operating Procedures Final Drafts
  • From: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 20:53:50 +0200

Thanks Chuck,

Just one small comment on article 4.1.b.iii which seems unclear to me in the
way it¹s written. It makes it hard for anyone not well versed in the voting
system to understand where the 200 score comes from.

Otherwise the document looks fine.


Le 12/09/09 17:01, « Gomes, Chuck » <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Attention OSC members,
> Quick review and comments are needed on the attached documents from the GNSO
> Council Operations WT (GCOT), chaired by Ray Fassett with Staff support from
> Julie Hedland.  As you will recall, GCOT was assigned the task of making
> recommendations for revision of those portions of the GNSO Council Rules of
> Procedure necessary to seat the new bicameral Council in Seoul.  In order to
> get Council review and approval in time to then get Board approval of the
> revised rules before Seoul, they need to be sent to the Council NLT this
> coming Thursday, 17 September.  To allow a day for any final edits, we need
> any comments or edits you may have by COB on Tuesday, 15 September.  Sorry for
> the short turn-around.
> Here are some important points of information:
> *  
> * Clean and redlined versions are attached; the  redlined version highlights
> the latest changes made that have not yet been  reviewed by the full GCOT;
> they will be reviewing these concurrently with the  OSC review.
> * 
> *  
> * The proposed operating procedures only contain a  subset of what will
> eventually be a more complete set of procedures; the GCOT  will continue to
> work on other elements of the procedures and those will be  considered later
> in the year; this version contains just those elements that  are considered
> essential for seating the Council in  Seoul.
> * 
> *  
> * Please feel free to suggest edits; Ray and Julie will  incorporate as many
> edits as appropriate to create a document for the Council;  so as not to
> undermine the extensive work of the GCOT, in cases where material  content
> changes are suggested, it is my suggestion that substantial edits that
> involve changes to any of the GCOT recommendations be included in the  comment
> summary for Council consideration rather than changing the GCOT  recommended
> procedures at this time.  The Council could of course to  include them in the
> final document sent to the Board.
> * 
> *  
> * We won't have time for a formal approval by the OSC  so my plan is to
> forward the document to the Council with a brief summary of  OSC comments.
> * 
> *  
> * Once the Council receives the recommended procedures  document, Councilors
> will be asked to immediately forward the document to  their respective groups
> for quick review and to be prepared to vote on final  approval in the Council
> meeting on 24 September and the final document will  then be sent to the Board
> in advance of their 30 September  meeting.
> * 
> *  
> * The last step in the process will be approval of the  procedures by the new
> Council in the public meeting in Seoul on 28  October.
> Thanks in advance for your cooperation on this.  If you have any questions,
> please let me know.  Also, if you have any questions for the GCOT, I cc'd Ray
> and I am sure he would be happy to respond.
> Chuck
> From: Ray Fassett [mailto:ray@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 9:44 PM
> To: 'gnso-osc-ops'; 'Robert Hoggarth'
> Cc: Gomes, Chuck; 'Avri Doria'
> Subject: FW: GNSO Operating Procedures Final Drafts
> Work Team members, please see 2 final drafts attached of the RoP per Julie¹s
> preface below.  There have been some further edits this afternoon so please
> take a look and let me know if any questions.
> Chuck, please use these versions to share with OSC members at this time.  Any
> further comment from GCOT work team members or OSC members are to be submitted
> by end of business day next Tuesday.  On Wednesday, our expectation is for the
> 2 final draft versions to be sent the GNSO Council for its review.
> Thanks for the effort on this everyone.
> Ray
> From: Julie Hedlund [mailto:julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 6:44 PM
> To: Ray Fassett
> Cc: Robert Hoggarth
> Subject: GNSO Operating Procedures Final Drafts
> Ray,
> As we discussed, here are two draft documents that include the final changes
> suggested by Chuck as well as those we received today from Avri, Wolf-Ullrich,
> and Ron:
> 1. GNSO  Council Operating Procedures Rev090911 Final Draft MARKUP.doc, which
> shows  original unchanged text in black, additions/changes in red, and
> deletions as  stricken.
> 2. GNSO  Council Operating Procedures Rev090911 Final Draft CLEAN.doc, in
> which all  changes are accepted and shown as complete.
> Please let me know if you have any questions or would like me to make any
> additional changes.
> Thank you!
> Julie 

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