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[gnso-osc] FW: Cancellation Nairobi

  • To: <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc] FW: Cancellation Nairobi
  • From: "Philip Sheppard" <philip.sheppard@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 12:20:35 +0100

fellow OSC people
Thank you for the informal vote of confidence as OSC chair.
I would like you to see this message below.
In these circumstances should the Nairobi meetings go ahead, it may make sense
for me to take over as Chair of the OSC immediately after Nairobi.

As a result of the unconfirmed terrorist threat in Nairobi which is both current
(February 2010) and specific (the KICC conference venue) my organisation has
requested I do not attend the meeting in Nairobi. I support their views.
I am a hardened and seasoned traveller and will tell you over a drink some of
the non-ICANN places I have visited that pose certain security issues !
In ten years of ICANN meetings we have met in places with a generic danger of
street crime (Sao Paolo, Rio, Cape Town) but never before have we received
specific and timely information of this nature. 
It is significant that registrations are low.
The Intellectual Property Constituency has as a group decided to not attend.
GoDaddy to protect its employees has cancelled.
If ICANN does consider cancellation, a way to save face may be to say that
participation at the meeting has fallen below a critical mass to make the
meeting effective and fit for purpose. A series of on-line /telephone
conferences for time-critical issues may be a way forward.

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