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What's with this "variable pricing" nonsense?

  • To: info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: What's with this "variable pricing" nonsense?
  • From: Nick Lucko <int_mktg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:04:18 -0700 (PDT)

     Well, I guess I shouldn't say nonsense because to you it's more money. 
There's nothing wrong with that of course-if it's within reason; but the 
proposals that you have coming before the board are insanely greedy.
       Oh, I know, it's a gradual scale depending on the value of the company 
or individual who owns the domain but that still is the Federal Government 
passing legislation like "No Child Left Behind" and forcing states and 
municipalities to fund that mandate when they can't afford it.
       Doing something just because you want to and because you can, regardless 
of the consequences is rather narcissistic (A psychological condition 
characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits 
in self-esteem).
       If that seems harsh I meant it to be. What you're proposing is absurd. 
       My guess is that in spite of the feedback that you'll have accumulated 
during the "public comment period" it's a done deal; just like all of the power 
grabbing deals are these days. But who knows. Pigs DO fly...on cargo 
planes...so maybe there's a chance for some sanity to prevail.
       And yes, I will send this to all 3 of your comment email boxes.
       Come on you guys. we all like money but do you have to gouge people just 
because you can???
       I usually end my emails with "Live long and prosper." but you guys want 
to be Jabba the Hut instead of a decathlon champ. Sheesh!

Anything war can do, peace can do better.

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