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Don't create variable pricing strategies and don't hike up fees significantly- you'll kill the Internet and what it stands for

  • To: <info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Don't create variable pricing strategies and don't hike up fees significantly- you'll kill the Internet and what it stands for
  • From: "Steve Jakab" <Info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 16:06:07 +0100

Dear Sir or Madam,
We are starting to experience craziness and power-hungry power structures
coming up in every area of life, from wars to heavier taxes to pay for those
wars. We think that if we squeeze the little more tightly, they'll keep on
giving stuff up for us so we can live more comfortable lives. This isn't
true. Don't play that game.
We're now seeing the same kind of thinking find it's way to the Internet,
with ICANN proposing to set 'variable prices' based on its own judgement of
what an Internet site is worth. Apart from technical expenses (which are
covered), the basic use of the Internet should remain free and unfettered.
I already pay tax. I already pay for domain name renewal fees. If you take
the initiative to charge variable-level prices and hit us hard, you are
doing harm to the people that support your service, and many people will
find they won't have a voice through the Internet - the only mechanism left
that I feel can be instrumental to saving humanity by education and
collaborate effort. The richness of the Internet will suffer, and many
heartful business by altruistic organisations will fold. Eventually, this
will not happen in isolation, but will follow all the way back up the trail
to yourselves. It's the start of a war - an economics war. War is happening
on many levels, not just military. We cannot continue to grow and survive in
our separateness.
You will have to decide what you stand for; a world that is free, or a world
in which you think you'll be safe because you're above the little people and
they're paying for your existence. Just because government has given you an
exclusive monopoly, don't destroy the *real* system that supports you - US!
Government may support you (and you government) but remember where the taxes
for government ultimately come from. Just remember, the little people can
say 'no', and when that happens collectively, you will not have power over
anyone, so please choose carefully.
Steve Jakab

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