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Comments re. Proposed Variable Pricing for Domains

  • To: info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Comments re. Proposed Variable Pricing for Domains
  • From: bethbotsis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:51:21 -0700

<div>Dear Sirs/Madams:</div>
<div>As a small business owner who has been working to bring my business
online and as an owner of various domain names being used for this
purpose, I am writing to voice my opposition to the proposed variable
pricing scheme for domain names by .biz/.org/.info which has recently
been brought to my attention.&nbsp; The wonder of the internet has been
the affordability for small businesses to start and grow.&nbsp;
Obviously the domain names upon which these businesses are built are
essential to that process and to the continued success of those
businesses.&nbsp; The potential to&nbsp;outprice a small business from
its developed and established domain name under the tiered pricing
scheme is, frankly, a bit scarey to the little&nbsp;guys.&nbsp;&nbsp;It
has the potential to&nbsp;cause great hardship to small businesses and
eventually only allow large businesses to thrive online.&nbsp; It is
just plain a bad idea.</div>
<div>As another commentor has written, the registries should remain just
that -- registries.&nbsp; And they should leave the development and
marketing of domain names to the business owners who pay to register
<div>Thank you for considering my comments as you make this very important
decision which has the potential for global impacts on small
<div>Respectfully submitted,</div>
<div>Beth Botsis</div>

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