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This Is Back Door Extortion !!!

  • To: info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: This Is Back Door Extortion !!!
  • From: Kelly Pitts <kellypitts@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 12:23:49 -0400

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Hello ICANN,<br>
This is nothing more than extortion !!!&nbsp; Here we go again - same Crap
that we have come to expect ICANN to dish out on a plate and expect
everyone to eat it with a smile.<br>
<b>The Problems With This Proposal :<br>
</b>1.&nbsp; This does nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, for the consumer side
of this equation.&nbsp; A bill that goes from $20 to $75,000.&nbsp; Are you
2.&nbsp; You want to talk lawsuites?&nbsp; See if you don't get your ass sued 
on this one.&nbsp; Especially, if this issue gravitates to the .com arena.<br>
3.&nbsp; All I smell is SHEER GREED !&nbsp;&nbsp; Why is tiered pricing needed 
something that already has a low fixed cost to deliver to the consumer
before the markup?&nbsp; Why do the registrars need to bend the public over
a barrel?&nbsp; Are they not happy with a&nbsp; tidy profit ?&nbsp; Must they 
act like
EXXON and expect like profits.<br>
4.&nbsp; Sounds like a concession, or more like a "give away",&nbsp; from Vint
Cerf and folks to the registrars because they are tired of taking heat
from them.<br>
5.&nbsp;&nbsp; Comment period ?&nbsp;&nbsp; Almost no one knows about this 
crazy proposal -
only hardcore Net experts like myself.&nbsp; <br>
6.&nbsp; It seems like this may be designed to test out the limits of the
public and then propose a softer version that is less dramatic that
might pass, so as to have a underhanded way of getting what you want.<br>
Kelly Pitts<br>

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