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Please don't do it...

  • To: <info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Please don't do it...
  • From: "Jim Nech" <jimn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 10:49:57 -0500

Dear Sirs,


After reading your proposal for variable pricing of .info domain names, I
have to say that I am deeply concerned about the future of the internet as
far as small businesses are concerned.


You should also be concerned because you pretty much have a monopoly on
domain names. If you implement something like this that will tilt the
playing field in favor of the richest players there will be a huge backlash.
The politicians will be brought into it and you never know what will happen
at that point.


You could lose your monopoly, at the very least there will be widespread
support to change the way you do business.


I am also writing my representatives in congress and explaining how unfair
your proposal is and how it could harm me and many other of their


I ask you please scuttle this ill-conceived plan before it is too late.


Jim Nech




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