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Net Neutrality (and .INFO neutrality too)

  • To: <info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Net Neutrality (and .INFO neutrality too)
  • From: "Sam Pfanstiel" <sam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 09:27:43 -0500

It's amazing with all the recent outcry against data service providers
charging tiered pricing for data services that ICANN would seek to get in on
the action -- and in so doing take part in the public disdain and
To enable registrars to manipulate pricing based on the value of the domain
in the marketplace is ludicrous, and should be clearly and ardently refused
in the verbiage of the INFO renewal agreement.  To do anything less is to
tacitly approve such practice.  Such an act only calls into question the
impartiality of ICANN as a whole.  If ICANN cannot operate in such a fashion
as to stay above the allure of corporate greed and graft, it should be
immediately restructured with impartial members who can operate this
organization properly.
Do not condone or allow the registry to manipulate pricing in this fashion.
This draft MUST be immediately rewritten to forbid this activity.

Sam Pfanstiel
 <blocked::mailto:sam@xxxxxxxxxxx> sam@xxxxxxxxxxx
President, Diverge, Inc.

2409 N Aspen, Broken Arrow, OK
p/f 918.477.2224 diverge.com


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