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No to variable pricing!

  • To: <info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: No to variable pricing!
  • From: "Karen Umstattd" <karen@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:30:45 -0400

Variable pricing of domain names is unfair to small business owners.
This will only benefit large companies who can monopolize many good
domain names with their deep pockets. So much for the internet is for

ICANN and Verisign enjoy a government granted
monopoly. The current system - which works fine and serves
the Internet community - should be kept as it is.

HOWEVER, should this blatant "money grab" go forward and
the "variable pricing" initiative approved, you can rest
assured that the Internet community will put extreme
pressure on our representatives to "shine the light" on this
monopoly and ensure that ICANN and Verisign LOSE this it.

NO to variable pricing!

Karen Umstattd

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