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STRONGLY OPPOSE variable pricing of domain names

  • To: info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: STRONGLY OPPOSE variable pricing of domain names
  • From: Glenna Bailey <gcbwriter@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 13:37:39 -0700 (PDT)

I am writing in protest to the addition of variable pricing of domain names for 
"fair market value." That sounds like a euphemism for holding someone's 
business hostage.
  Up to now, the Internet has been wonderful. There is still only a small 
barrier to entry in terms of setting yourself up in business online. The 
Internet is truly a level playing field, allowing the small business to find 
large success. However, this variable pricing idea would ruin that completely.
  As a small business owner who has made a considerable investment in 
developing the domain names I own, I am firmly opposed to the variable pricing 
of domain names 
by the .info registry. I consider it outright stealing and will do everything 
humanly possible to oppose this idea.
  Glenna Bailey

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