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I urge you to vote--no variable pricing

  • To: org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: I urge you to vote--no variable pricing
  • From: "Jonathan Rozek" <cashcopy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:19:20 -0400

Dear ICANN Board of Directors,

I'm a small business owner who feeds his family and puts kids through
college based on my efforts via the web.

I understand that your variable pricing proposal could potentially
skyrocket the registration fees for domain name renewals.

Though I'm sure those fees could be a great source of revenue to
accomplish ICANN projects, please understand that it could really
affect small business owners in a negative way.

Not just the variable pricing, but the income documentation and
privacy issues related to doing so...these are all of a concern to me.

Sure, there are some big corporations that could absorb any fee you
charge.  And I know the fee would be variable.  Still, it's just one
more way that the playing ground would get tilted in favor of
wealthier businesspeople, and away from the cottage-industry operator.

I urge you to keep the pricing as it is now.  I appreciate your
request for comment.

Very truly yours,

Jonathan Rozek
9 Atlantic Ave
Attleboro MA  02703

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