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No Variable Pricing.

  • To: org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: No Variable Pricing.
  • From: jasonrice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 16:01:49 -0500

No Variable Pricing.

I am the volunteer web support for several small non-profits.  The amount of
money and energy spent developing a web presence for these already
cash-strapped entities can be wiped out by a single bump in finance.  As many
of their charitable efforts have moved to the web, much of their promotional
identity has become their web presence.  Any value ascribed to their domain
name will have to be due to their own efforts.  To turn around and sell this
value back to them all but eliminates the use of a web.

This could be catastrophic to many groups I work with and would nullify the
internet for most of the small companies I'm associated with.

Please do not support Variable Pricing.

It will kill the internet as a tool for the small companies.  ORG will be as
useless to us as ABC, NBC or CBS.

Thank you,
Jason Rice

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