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Opposed to Variable Pricing

  • To: <org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Opposed to Variable Pricing
  • From: "Phil Marasco" <phil.marasco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:41:13 -0400


The concept of variable pricing is absurd. Not only is it clearly a plan
to squeeze the individuals and businesses that make the web what it is -
it's also breach of the trust and integrity assigned to ICANN in the
first place.

The success of the web has been largely due to Entrepreneurship. Your
move toward this clearly indicates that once again, our government is
not working by the people or for the people, but instead, attempting to
control and squash one of the last areas where personal freedoms and the
American dream can thrive and grow.

And it's being done for the money.

To even propose this in the first place and then virtually hide this
'plan' from the public with a strict time limit is atrocious. It calls
for an investigation of your operating procedures and board members as
to the true intentions behind this proposal.


Best Regards,

Phil Marasco


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