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Opposed to variable pricing

  • To: org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Opposed to variable pricing
  • From: Jennifer Baltz <jennifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 15:32:50 -0700

I received a rather alarming email today suggesting that your board
might be looking at "variable pricing," which would allow you, in
essence, to charge
skyrocketing fees for domain registration.  As a small business owner
with a very small profit
margin--I object to  this idea.  The reason why the internet has done so
well, and why so
many websites are out there is that it is affordable to all.  And the
more you increase the domain
reg rates, the harder it  will be for many of us to stay in business. 
If there is some kind of
reasonable cap on this, and a great deal more discussion prior to
implementation, that is one thing,
but to create something that will in effect put many fledgling sites out
of business, well, that's

Thank you,

Jennifer Baltz

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