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Propossed agreements

  • To: biz-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Propossed agreements
  • From: "John Jeffers" <john@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:36:37 -0400

This is another example of the inadequacy in the way ICANN negotiates.
Apparently there is no negotiation. I honestly believe you guys don't do
an damn thing but fly to some exotic location around the world for a
vacation every few months. During which time you act like you are
concerned about the internets best interest. Once that week is gone you
return to doing nothing. This proposal is proof enough of that. 

It must be nice to be a for profit company operating a registry at this
moment and time. You get to create your own contracts filled with all
sorts of manipulative money making opportunities and the worthless crew
over at ICANN doesn't even look at it. They just slap it up for review
take comments, not listen to the public outcry and then approve the deal
regardless of what the entire community thinks. The Verisign contract is
a great example of that. 

You should all be tossed out on your asses.


John Jeffers

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