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Opposed to variable pricing proposal

  • To: org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Opposed to variable pricing proposal
  • From: "A. Lester Buck III" <icann-reg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 13:49:31 -0500

I manage a number of .org websites, for organizations with small
to zero budgets.  The current uniform pricing of domain names is
the only fair way to manage a public monopoly such as the  gTLDs.
Until there are dozens of alternate viable gTLDs, I am very much
opposed to any variation from the current fixed pricing schedule.
Such a proposal could be a huge burden on existing organizations
which have built an internet presense with volunteer labor and
would then risk having all their work be confiscated by commercial


A. Lester Buck III
Compact Data
Houston, Texas 77025

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