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RE: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] Regarding communicating task force/committee work with the press and other outside groups

  • To: "'Bruce Tonkin'" <Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Council GNSO'" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] Regarding communicating task force/committee work with the press and other outside groups
  • From: "Marilyn Cade" <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:44:02 -0400

Dear Bruce, 


I know that media are always interested in talking to Councilors, chairs,
and TF members. :-) 


And, in fact, having been a chair of a TF, have had these situations occur.
In my view, I think your proposal is much the way that it has been handled
in the past.


I especially agree that when it is "policy in process", none of us on TFs as
members, or Councilors in Council, or even chairs, should be speculating on
outcomes or implications with media. As one who is rather seasoned at much
policy discussion and sometimes policy agreements [:-)], it is always
premature to announce or predict an outcome until it is agreed. 


On the other hand, transparency is critical, and I also note that we have a
public process that allows for transparency, including recordings and
transcripts, so members of TF and Council can be assured that the broader
community can follow the work. I do think that transparency is ever
improving with the addition of the transcript versions of the MP3


I support your note to TF and Council below.  


Marilyn Cade



-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bruce Tonkin
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:10 AM
To: Council GNSO; pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] Regarding communicating task force/committee work
with the press and other outside groups


Hello All,


At various times, members of task forces, committees and the Council are

approached by the press to comment on the work of a task force,

committee or Council.  Some members also operate blogs to keep the

community informed.


I recommend we take the following approach:


(1) An individual member should not speak on behalf of a task force,

committee or Council with respect to current proposed recommendations.

Normally people should be referred to the current official report or

minutes of a meeting.   The appropriate chair of a group would normally

present the current proposed recommendations in an agreed document.


(2) An individual member is free to provide their own opinions on a

preferred or potential outcome of a particular group.  Ie feel free to

speak for yourself :-)


(3) An individual should not quote another individual out of context.

In general if you are asked what someone else (either individual,

business, group etc) thinks - then direct people to either an audio

recording, a transcript, minutes, or a posting on a public mailing list.


Note that our work by its nature results in many discussions, drafts,

and proposals for future policy.  We need to be careful that we clearly

communicate the current status of any recommendation.  E.g "under

discussion", "proposed by a task force member", "proposed by a task

force in an Initial Report" etc.  


I am interested in feedback on the above, as I think it would be useful

to include in future to brief new members of a group.



Bruce Tonkin






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