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registrars behaving badly

  • To: principles-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: registrars behaving badly
  • From: Sherrysherry2@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 11:16:16 EDT

involves:   bestregister.com  and enom.com and 
scam  artists    located in China from what I can  tell.        
Domain name in question: _www.sherrysherry.COM_ 
(http://www.sherrysherry.com/) .  

I have owned my domain name  for 7 years, then 33 minutes 
after expiration (with no  renewal notice from 
registrar - bestregister.com),  enom.com and  name-services.com, 
took my registration and  now wants me to BEGIN THE BIDDING 
price at $200 per  year for my own domain name!  
No grace period, no renewal  notice, nothing from bestregister. 
In the past, I have tried  to transfer my sherrysherry.com 
registration from  bestregister to godaddy.com but was 
unsuccessful, and I am  extremely hesitant to pay via bestregister.com 
again as several years ago  I used them to register another domain that 
they claimed was available,  they took my payment, then said the 
domain wasn't available,  and never refunded my money.   their website 
hasn't been updated  in 4 years, but they still are taking online payments, 
now the payment page says  "no refunds, no cancellations for any reason".    
So I could/would be throwing my money down that same  drain.          
So how can I legally  reclaim my name from these domain hijackers? 
Sure 33 minutes violates  the 30 day grace period?  This happened 2 days 
ago on May 8th.   
Please help me.  
Thank  you


_www.SherrySherry.INFO_ (http://www.sherrysherry.com/)  
Sherry is on XM Radio! Mondays at 6 PM  (ET)
On Broadminded - XM Channel 155 - Take 5 
With Shari, Molly &  Christine 

"It is not sufficient for religious people to be  involved with prayer. 
Rather, they are morally obliged to contribute all they  can to solving the 
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama  

"May you find a smile when you least expect it, and 
a hug when you  need it most." 
-  Rev. Sherry Sherry

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