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Registrar Constituency Position on GNSO-Approved RAA Amendments

  • To: "raa-consultation@xxxxxxxxx" <raa-consultation@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Registrar Constituency Position on GNSO-Approved RAA Amendments
  • From: "Clarke D. Walton" <clarke.walton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 18:10:26 -0400

April 6, 2009

Registrar Constituency Position on GNSO-Approved RAA Amendments


In March 2009, the Registrar Constituency ("RC") was asked to provide feedback 
regarding the GNSO-Approved RAA Amendments ("RAA Amendments").  This Position 
Paper captures the overall sentiment expressed by the RC Members who provided 
feedback about this matter.  Due to time constraints, however, no formal vote 
regarding this Position Paper was taken.


The RC supports the RAA Amendments.  The RC believes adoption of the complete 
set of RAA Amendments will have a positive effect on the ICANN community.

In particular, the RC anticipates that the Amendments will improve ICANN's 
registrar compliance and enforcement initiatives.  The new enforcement tools 
provided under the RAA Amendments allow for needed intermediate-level recourse 
when bringing registrars into compliance.

In the RC's view, it would be beneficial for the entire ICANN community if the 
RAA Amendments were adopted by all registrars sooner rather than later.  
However, because of the timing of certain registrar contracts, ICANN may have 
to wait as many as five years for all registrars to become bound by the amended 

The RC suggests that ICANN consider providing financial incentives to encourage 
all registrars to adopt the amended RAA early.  Registrars who adopt the 
amended RAA early will inevitably incur additional compliance costs related to 
the amendments, including costs related to: reseller contracts, website 
changes, additional audits, potential liability, etc.  In the RC's view, it 
seems reasonable for ICANN to encourage early adoption by providing financial 
incentives to registrars in order to offset these anticipated costs.

The RC eagerly anticipates full adoption of the RAA Amendments and it is 
looking forward to working with ICANN to explore the possibility of financial 
incentives for early adoption.   Additionally, the RC is looking forward to 
working with the community on further potential changes to the RAA and on the 
registrant rights and responsibilities charter.


The opinions expressed by the RC in this Position Paper should not be 
interpreted to reflect the individual opinion of any particular RC member.

Attachment: RC Position - RAA Amendments FINAL.pdf
Description: RC Position - RAA Amendments FINAL.pdf

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