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ICANN outreach

  • To: revised-settlement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN outreach
  • From: "Marcus Faure, CORE Council of Registrars" <marcus.faure@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 12:29:43 +0100 (CET)


please consider that lowering the .com domain price to 3 USD, which
will happen in a rebidding process, will probably be the most effective
method to improve ICANN's outreach in developing countries ever. We
know that it is a huge difference in those countries if a domain costs
3 or 6-8 USD (plus ICANN fee and registrar margin). I am convinced
that no local office, no campagin and no multilingual reports can have
a stronger effect on ICANN's outreach than a decrease of the .com
price has.

Marcus Faure
CORE Council of Registrars

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