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{Spam?} Stop Destroying The Moral Fabric Of Our Country

  • To: twomey@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: {Spam?} Stop Destroying The Moral Fabric Of Our Country
  • From: "Heather Chapman" <armywife052601@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 15:23:16 -0500

Dear Sirs,

I am opposed to the establishment of the triple X domain. You should be working to get pornography off the Internet, not putting more on it!

What kind of controls would be in place to stop minors from accessing this xxx domain? I'm guessing none that would be effective. Also, the pornographers would still be soliciting via regular domains, and spamming everyone's emails as well.

Please do not let these people win who want to destroy our families with their filth. If we want to continue to be the greatest, most-feared super power on Earth then we need to build STRONG families via good morals, not tear down families with pornography.


Heather Chapman

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