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  • To: xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Inquiry
  • From: CCarellise@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 08:54:57 EST

10506 Covent Road
Richmond, VA 23238
February 15, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:
This is an inquiry into your reasoning behind reviving the idea of creating  
an XXX Internet domain for porn sites.  I do not understand how you  can 
possibly think this idea is "for the greater good."   Could it be that you do 
care about "the greater good?" 
I am asking that you, once and for all, put this idea to rest for the good  
of our children and our children's children and show that you are, indeed,  
concerned with the good of society.  Thank you in advance  for your 
and for using wise judgement in your enterprise rather  than only considering 
Carol Carelli-Sennett

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