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XXX Name a needed indentification

  • To: xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: XXX Name a needed indentification
  • From: "Michele Wetteland" <mrswette@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 13:05:38 -0600

Dear ICM,

I am for labeling pornographic websites with the dot XXX domain name. I am against pornography. What I am for is an outward sign that would allow for unsuspecting web users to be warned of the unsuitable content exposure. There are far too many stories of families that are crippled by pornographic addictions that came about due to a "pop up" or an innocent "click" on a site that they were not aware was pornographic. Pornographic magazines and merchandise are labeled and kept out of mainstream business areas, and are allowed purchase only by consenting adults, why should the internet be any different? A XXX domain name would provide the same censored atmosphere. It would allow for filtering tools for families that want to keep these sites off their computers and out of their homes. Currently, there is no way to guard against inappropriate pornographic exposure. The XXX domain name would be a clear sign of web site content, and would provide parents with a tool to battle against it's crippling affects.

I would also hope that you would require all U.S. search engines to carry only pornographic web sites that are willing to comply, and that an entity for complaints, if non cooperating sites are found, would be developed along side the new domain name.

I am in full support of proper identification of these terrible and destructive sites.

I know that this comment is late. Please consider it. I only learned of this site today.

Michele Wetteland, mother of four

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