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YES to .xxx

  • To: <xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: YES to .xxx
  • From: "ric_bia" <ric_bia@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 15:50:31 +0100

I'm favorable to .xxx domains, but only if EVERY adult site on the net MUST 
HAVE a .xxx domain name.
This will make easier by ISP, Search Engines and Software/OS developers to 
filtering porn sites.

- ISP could make customized service to block access to .xxx site (like ones 
that block the use of some kind of telephone numbers)
- Search Engines could make customized filters that block/allow .xxx tld in 
their search results
- Software developers could make browser, or applications that works on 
browsers, that prevent the open of .xxx domains
- OS Developers could insert an administration option to lock any connection 
from and to .xxx to single or multiple system users

Discuss with us the future of .xxx domain.

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