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I do not support .xxx

  • To: xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: I do not support .xxx
  • From: "Misty Strickland" <mstria@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 17:45:34 -0600

The idea of the .xxx domain is not being backed by the adult industry. It is
being backed by a man who sees nothing but $$ to line his pockets under the
guise of "protecting the children" Which the .xxx domain will NOT do. If
anything, it'll show the kids right where to go for the porn.
I thought what this was, was the WORLD WIDE WEB. Not the web of the United
States. I would love to see a company finally not bow to the bullies running
wild here censoring free speech and prosecuting consenting adults. Tell them
to take their time, energy and money and put it toward a project that will
actually do something to protect the kids rather than focusing on adults.
Thank You,
An adult webmaster of 11 sites

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