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proposed .xxx domain extention

  • To: <xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: proposed .xxx domain extention
  • From: "Lex Hoffman" <net-x@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 23:27:12 +0900

dear sir/madam,

this brief note is to register my opposition to the .xxx domain extension proposal. my company net-x pty/ltd and i have been running adult websites since september 1999 and are both known and respected in the adult webmaster community. i don't see any need to cover all the suggested reasoning for this proposal as i know you've by now heard it enough already. all i will say at this point is that not one of the reasons offered for the proposed .xxx extension have legitimate basis in practicality and all actions against the said proposal will have the full support of my company and self.

thanks for your time.

lex hoffman
(director - net-x pty/ltd)

icq lex: 233368071

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