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Time to approve the .XXX Registry Agreement

  • To: xxx-revised-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Time to approve the .XXX Registry Agreement
  • From: Jean Armour Polly <mom@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 20:59:45 -0600

I urge ICANN to abide by the declaration of the Independent Review Panel and 
sign a registry agreement with ICM without further delay.

Rules are rules and you can't apply them one way for one application and 
another way for another application.

ICANN must return to its core charge to maintain the smooth running of the 
Internet. Routers, like justice, must be blind. There's a reason justice is 
blind: it can't be distracted or swayed by the winds of political correctness, 
among other things.

ICANN MUST be deaf to outside forces like the GAC and conservative religious 
groups who oppose this TLD. ICANN's charge is purely technical and concerned 
with the maintenance of a robust DNS. Talk about net neutrality? DNS is the 
first principle of that!

Approve .xxx and let market forces have their say. If .xxx industry people 
don't want it, they don't have to use it. Further, if countries want to block 
the .xxx tld at their own ends, that is for those countries and their citizenry 
to say. 

It is completely out of ICANN's purview to make moral judgements. Stick to zone 
files and packets.

It's time for ICANN to follow its own rules and approve the contract without 
any further delay.

Jean Armour Polly
Emerita iALAC, North American representative, nominated via Nomcom.
Author, six editions of The Internet Kids and Family Yellow Pages

Jean Armour Polly


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