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I DO NOT SUPPORT ICM's Application

  • To: <xxx-revised-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: I DO NOT SUPPORT ICM's Application
  • From: "andrew" <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 11:09:16 +1000


I am a member of the .XXX sTLD sponsored community. ICM has never had the
support of the webmaster community. No one wants this, it is nothing but a
naked money grubbing action forcing us to defensively buy another domain we
do not want or need. In the beginning there was no support except a few
businesses that had been bribed/co-opted into supporting it. Now squatters
and registrars who have nothing to do with the industry and aren't adult
businesses have pre-registered (along with defensive purchasers) and will no
doubt add a few more voices of support to protect the advantage they think
they can get out of it, but there is NO support in the community. We have
battled this for what, half a decade now? The only thing I fear is that
people will be jaded in the fight and not be as active in emailing,
particularly as a lot of people are busy fighting for the survival of their
businesses in this economy. Please do not support this blatant money grab
and extortion.


Kind Regards, 

Andrew Brown



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