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Username: Warlock
Date/Time: Wed, May 23, 2001 at 11:56 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Subject: You must be the kind of person.....


     ...who accepts Microsoft stuff as the one 'true' system because it (in a manner of speaking) 'got there first', therefore everything else is wrong! Using your example, Microsoft has no responsibility to alternative systems, and indeed it doesnt take any. Other systems have to work around Microsoft if compatibility is required (just as the alternative roots work around ICANN).

Does this make the other systems illegitimate? No. The difference? The Microsoft/alternative example isnt bound up with all the legal string. The pocket-lining attitude of corporate control remains constant however reading between the lines (yes that is my opinion).

Do you feel forced to run Microsoft products? Do you think you have a choice? Ask yourself why this is any different?

You are just what the "we know whats good for you" organisations love. Notice I'm not engaging here if ICANN are right or wrong I'm simply pointing out your acceptance of certain things rather than developing an informed opinion.

Sorry if this wasnt as hot as you were hoping for. Yes your post was flamebait and yes I took it, if only for the chance to open your eyes a little wider.


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