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Username: WorldThoughts
Date/Time: Sat, June 17, 2000 at 5:08 PM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: IOD, .web, and a dose of Reality, folks.


        Okay, I can't just sit idly by and allow the lunacy plastered on this board to go unchallenged. ICANN opened this board so that the public could comment, and I find it disheartening that the discussion has been largely shallow, the proclamations against .web registrants unsubstantiated and baseless, and the motivations of those calling for a .web database wash so transparent.

Okay, here goes. . .


Hear this loud and clear: I own a few generic .web domains through Image Online Design.

There are those among us who think that this is a dark, dirty secret that the .web registrants try to--or need to--obscure beneath a two-dimensional defense of Image Online.

This is hardly the case. There is no more of a stigma to being an IOD registrant than there is to owning a store on a famous, bustling commercial avenue. There is nothing embarrassing about being the registrant of a strong domain in an attractive TLD, and I resent those who imply that we defend our domains and IOD's claim on the .web TLD because we are selfish pigs. Quite frankly--how dare you!

Of course we have personal self-interest, though. All humans value things that are of interest to their respective realities. We guide our stock portfolios towards growth; we choose neighborhoods with the better schools if we have children of applicable age; we build an extension to our house in part because it will increase the market value; If you are a business owner, you hope to choose the location that will most benefit you, even though there are others who would love to own YOUR piece of brick & mortar real estate. Who would call you a selfish swine because of this? Would you not find any such claim against you to be shoddy, heinous, offensive, and libelous?

I would. . . and I DO with all of you who denounce my registrations by inclusion.

Putting my self-interest aside though. . . I can tell you this: I objectively KNOW that my registrations are valid, moral, ethical, and legally binding. Who here does not understand this concept? Does anyone here have a problem putting their covetous feelings aside in an attempt to grasp the rational, logical defense of IOD's registrants, and IOD's very claim to having an active database? Well, maybe I can spell it out for you.


In 1996, IOD brought their .web TLD to IANA and received approval to open their databases to the public in order to take REAL--not SIMULATED registrations. They did this in large part to iron the wrinkles out of databases, and to make sure their mainframes were stable. Those who registered with IOD were a part of this pioneering process--but NOT in some make-believe enrollment system. IANA knew the registrants were true registrants--not a pretense. Imagine yourself enrolled in a college, having gone through the 4 years.....only to be told by the college at the end, "Oh, we were just testing out the curriculum, the professors, the computers in the library, and the alarm systems. . . And you really don't get a diploma."

So to now tell these registrants that their registrations (which they secured in good faith and which they paid for) were only part of an elaborate simulation, is fraudulent. IOD is not doing this. Yet third parties…Individuals more than agencies….are DEMANDING that the registrants simply be wiped away, eradicated, buried and forgotten because OTHERS would love a crack at their domains. I BEG your pardon, but are you crazy? Again, how DARE you.

Imagine being forced out of your house--oceanfront or otherwise--because there are those who want another chance at owning your piece of real estate. You found your home IN AN OPEN MARKET, bought it in good faith, signed the deed and paid for it in full. Yet somebody likes what you have and is calling for it to be taken from you. Do you realize the PRECEDENT this would set? In governmental terms, this is totalitarianism. It is oppressive and flies in the face of human rights. The right to ownership is the most basic freedom-even more fundamental than the freedom of speech, in my book.

No, these are not platitudes. Pull generic domains from registrants today simply because others deem them valuable and want to personally claim them or redistribute them…..and it could happen 5 years from now, after registrants have branded their domains, marketed them, and built a life and career on them. Frightening prospect.

And kindly don't make the assertion that domains are rented, not owned, by individuals. The principle applies to renters of properties who have a lease and are paying their rent on time.

Likewise, do not make the claim that because the .web TLD is not yet online, that these principles do not apply. My parents recently inquired about a townhouse that they wanted to buy for retirement--but found that even before the first shovel struck the soil to build the foundation, the coming townhouse had been sold. This is commerce in the world of brick & mortar, and is as valid on the Internet.

My parents knew they had no basis to whine, and it would have been outrageously improper of them to have tried to steal the townhouse from those it rightfully belonged to. Yet this is what so many people are doing with regard to the .web TLD. My parents recognized that they couldn't get what they wanted, had no moral or legal CLAIM on what they wanted, and went looking for alternate real estate. These are the grown up facts of life.

Get the picture? If you refuse to, your obstinacy is your own problem, your own character flaw, your own toxic, misguided sense of self-importance--having no bearing on my reality or Reality at large.


There are those who are grieving that many .web registrants own too many .web domains. Define "too many." Too many under what criteria? At last count, Proctor & Gamble owned between 1,000 and 2,000 domains. Take theirs. Go ahead. Go for it. Defend it in a court of law.

There are no restrictions on the number of domains that a person can own. I would never want there to be such a restriction, because 1) it is oppressive;  2) it is impossible to monitor, and 3)  not, in my opinion, justifiably in ICANN's mission.

And if they DO put a cap on the number of domains a person can own, that law-like any other--would have to be proactive, not retroactive. You cannot haul a person off to jail who committed a legal act yesterday, simply because you deem that action illegal tomorrow. Can you imagine your mayor making it illegal for anyone to imbibe more than 20 ounces of alcohol in one evening, and then imprisoning everyone who exceeded that quota PRIOR TO that piece of legislation? I know we are not talking about imprisonment. See the metaphor for what it is.

Furthermore, there are those who make the claim that too many of the BEST domains are owned by the same individuals. Pardon me, but there is no policy that makes this illegal, nor is it feasible to establish one. Barnes & Noble not only owns several domains; they own several WONDERFUL domains, including,,,,,,,,,,,, etc., etc.

.....Forget it. No one should EVER tell a company or an individual, "Okay, you have too many good ones. We are going to take them away from you now." Remember that totalitarianism thing I mentioned earlier?

Now contrary to what you must think........I don't have the most or the best .webs,......But your proposed siege is extraordinarily disturbing to hear. It's like a bunch of people wishing they had electronics, calling for a  looting party in which they break windows and burn stores along a popular avenue. I don't have to be a prominent shop-owner on the street to know it is wrong of you. Hell, I don't even have to have ANY real estate on that street to know it is wrong.

If you want to take my domains from me, I want you out of your house. Make sure there is no trace of you when my moving van pulls up in your driveway. Just leave the key to your safe deposit box, and your account numbers. Oh, and while you are at it, leave your pretty daughter behind. And why? Well, because I WANT them. . . that's why.

Shall I buy each of you a club so you can pummel people who have things that you want?

Are you getting the picture yet?


I have also grown a bit weary of claims that every .web domain owner is a speculator. While I would never preclude the possibility of accepting a decent offer for my own domain(s), I have no intention to market them, and every intention to develop them. In fact, I know at least one other .web registrant who some might consider a heavy buyer. And yet he likewise intends to develop his domains, and plans some interesting noncommercial public-interest things with them. Yet many people want him to hand over his domains  because THEY have determined--devoid of the facts--that he is a speculator. Damned arrogant and presumptuous of these people. And again, heinous.

In my universe, innocence is presumed in the absence of evidence……Which leads me to my next point:


Speculating is not illegal. Don't treat it as such. I am not a speculator, but I don't find domain speculation any more unethical than comic book speculation, real estate speculation, coin speculation, automotive speculation, stock speculation. No more diatribes please, on how EVIL domain speculation is. Has no one ever sold something--a car, as house, a stock--at a higher price than that which you purchased it at. If you have, kindly shut up about domain speculating.


What would happen? The same exact thing, to be certain. With one difference: many people complaining here about the current .web registrants would themselves be revving up to grab as many .webs as THEY could. Suddenly--and oh, so miraculously--their moral platitudes would be shelved in lieu of building a stockpile of .web domains. Gee, do you think they would be speculating? Rest assured: most of those who denounce the current .web domains registrants, know which of the .webs have already been registered because these ranters sought to grab these domains themselves. Transparent, transparent, transparent. Spare us your insincere spew.

Oh, and you can expect that a precious handful of people---corporations included---would have scripts prepared to get the best and the most .webs in seconds flat, if the database was reset and reopened. The servers would be overburdened, and you would get fewer decent domains than are CURRENTLY available.


IOD's database has been accepting registrations for years. Get it. For years. I have 2 or 3 very nice domains through IOD even though I came along about 7 months ago. The world had 5 or so years to stumble onto (or discover through research) the .web registry. I am a testament to the fact that not all the great .webs were registered at once, many years ago. Seems to me that it is far more valid a procedure to have domains gradually added to the database, than to have people descend upon the database in a single instant.

IOD's registrants number in the thousands, and represent over 75 different countries.

Furthermore, I am not a tech-savvy person. I was just curious about new TLDs, did some basic research on Yahoo and other search engines, and found IOD. Imagine that. Doing research in one's self interest. It makes me sick when I hear people say, "but I didn't know about the .web! It's not fair!"

It IS fair. You and I and everyone else had an equal opportunity. Registrations were not restricted to individuals or to companies. The marketplace was open to all. You just needed to have the foresight to find it, or even the blind luck. And I am sorry: I am not for legislation that adjusts for all bad luck in the universe, or for people who simply didn't know things. The log sheet would be infinitely long. Luck is never distributed across the masses evenly. Ascribe it to whatever philosophical principle you choose. But there you have it.

To put it plainly, if you TRULY cared to know the status of upcoming TLDs, you WOULD have discovered Image Online Design. It was all a matter of public record.

There are people who know the trends in real estate beyond anything I know. That does not mean I can demand that their purchases be taken from them because they had "an unfair advantage." They might have had an advantage. . . but it was hardly unfair.

In the 1980's Microsoft stock was relatively low. Can I now demand that all those early buyers of Microsoft stock renounce everything that grew out of it? Can I demand that Microsoft return their stock to the early prices because I didn't have the good timing or fair sense in the 1980s to have purchased it?

Come on, folks. This is life. Jump in when you can, get what you would enjoy having, and move on. I didn't get a chance to own Too bad for me. I don't get to live in your house. Too bad for me.


They would make millions of dollars. That's what would happen. And so what? Get out of their business. Consider this: their tax dollars from the sale would help the society you live in. Move on. Conduct your own life & business affairs. . . kick back and eat a pizza. Worry about the proliferation of drugs in your community; worry about child abuse and the sale of semiautomatic weapon. Don't stick your nose in a business transaction between a seller who wants to sell, and a buyer who wants to buy, which is none of your concern. Or else I will come to your place of business and stand between you and your customer because I consider it unfair that you are holding something--the sale item--over his head, and expect money for it.

It's called commerce. Get it yet?

If I owned a store, and someone came along and wanted to buy it from me, would I be expected TO GIVE IT to him instead?

Real estate--ANYWHERE--is a commodity.

And learn the psychology of covetousness and jealousy. Admit that if you were the seller, you would be telling all those admonishing YOU for profiting, to go eat a pizza and shut up.

I actually saw a post somewhere in which the author said, "This is an outrage! If .web is approved, and the registrants are allowed to keep what they own, they will make millions! This shouldn't be allowed to happen!"

I BEG his pardon.......WHAT?!

For those who don't understand, this is what the author of that post was really saying: "This is an outrage! It won't be ME selling the domain for millions!"

Just a little bit of honesty.


Your hate for a person does not grant you the right to strike him, to steal his wallet, to move into his home, or to take over the deed on his store. The same rule applies if you covet him.


"I wish I had a ham sandwich. I REALLY wish I had a ham sandwich. No one told me they were handing out ham sandwiches. Now I am going to break into your home, go into your refrigerator, and take YOUR ham sandwich......Because how dare you have it."

If there is any of this that needs further explaining, kindly let me know. I would be more than happy to spell out the rest of the universe for you. And as Elvis Presley once sang: "Stay off of them blue suede shoes". . . and ham sandwiches. . . and  generic SLDs everywhere.


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