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Username: jbuberel
Date/Time: Thu, March 1, 2001 at 9:20 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 4.0
Score: 5
Subject: Agreed: Use of my family name should not be revoked


I have registered my family name (buberel) as a .org domain name. I use this to provide a _permanent_ e-mail address for myself and my family. Even though I am not a registered non-profit corporation, I see no reason why I should be forced to give this up SO LONG AS there is no legitimate non-profit organization with which my name conflicts.

If there was a case in which a person had registered a a .org name that was a a protected trademark of a known non-profit organization, ICANN would be justified in revoking that person's ownership of the domain name.

In all other cases, leave well enough alone!



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