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Username: dhshave
Date/Time: Thu, October 19, 2000 at 3:11 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: IATA proposal to acquire and control .travel domain names


             With 20 years in the travel industry and as a travel agency owner, I agree that the airlines and IATA are in continued efforts to further control and/or eliminate travel agencies. Their application to control all .travel domain names is another effort to reap increased profits at the expense of travel agencies.

     It is with all sincerety that I ask you to refuse their control of this and any other domain names. IATA is just another airline organization out of control. Please make these names available only through the normal registration process, and not through another cartel.

David Huff, CTC
Manager & CEO
Avenues To Travel, Ltd.
713 W. New Orleans Street
Broken Arrow, OK  74011-1812
Phone (918) 455-8747
FAX   (918) 455-8181


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