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RE: [ifwp] RE: Better Safe, than Sorry! (was: It's been a pleasure)

stef@nma.com [mailto:stef@nma.com] wrote:
>Also, I beliee that we have already ariculated what 
>we find wrong with the IANA draft, so that repeating 
>all that again will also not be very useful.

Stef, I agree that the concerns that many have with the IANA draft have
been articulated.  What's lacking, however, is (1) an executive summary
and (2) a ranking of the concerns.

Lord forbid that when Ira Magaziner asks, "What's necessary to fix the
IANA draft?" the answer be, "Just look in the IFWP mailing list archives
-- it's all there, clear as day."  :-)

Peter J. Farmer                    mailto:pfarmer@strategies-u.com
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