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Re: [ifwp] RE: Better Safe, than Sorry! (was: It's been a pleasur e)

Pete and all,

Pete Farmer wrote:

> stef@nma.com [mailto:stef@nma.com] wrote:
> >Also, I beliee that we have already ariculated what
> >we find wrong with the IANA draft, so that repeating
> >all that again will also not be very useful.
> Stef, I agree that the concerns that many have with the IANA draft have
> been articulated.  What's lacking, however, is (1) an executive summary
> and (2) a ranking of the concerns.

  Why is a ranking of the concerns need to be made specifically available when
it hasbeen stated by nearly everyone that the 3rd iteration of the IANA's drafts
bylaws and especially the articles of incorporation are both not a reflection of

what the consensus of the IFWP conferences?  In fact they are not even close!
Surely Ira is aware of this by now.  Aren't you Ira?

> Lord forbid that when Ira Magaziner asks, "What's necessary to fix the
> IANA draft?" the answer be, "Just look in the IFWP mailing list archives
> -- it's all there, clear as day."  :-)

  Well it is Pete.  ALl that Ira needs to do is review those comments.  Isn't
thatwhat they are there for?  I would find it unconscionable that Ira would not
do a very
careful review of these comments.

> Pete
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> Peter J. Farmer                    mailto:pfarmer@strategies-u.com
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