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ISOC-AU support for process

ISOC-AU (the Internet Society Australian chapter) welcomes the recent
postings (see http://www.iana.org/newiana.html) by John Postel on behalf of 
IANA, and declares its support for his seeding of discussions to specify a 
framework for a new organizational structure.

We believe that moves to define a non-profit, representative structure, which
reflect a wide range of interests worldwide and deliver policy oversight
of the Internet name and address processes are vital. 

ISOC-AU encourages other bodies to consider the proposals, and participate
in discussion, with the goal of establishing a workable arrangement within
the time limits specified by the US government white paper (September 30 

ISOC-AU is committed to a global internet, with strong, international
participation in all aspects of technological development and governance. 
We are also conscious of IANA's role in oversight of country and
region-specific resources such as the ISO top-level domains, and the
RIPE/ARIN/APNIC resources and see our involvement in helping advance
IANA's structure as complementary to these persisting relationships.

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