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Re: [ifwp] How Does This end?
Harold and all,
Harold Feld wrote:
> I am concerned by the loud silence from both NSI and IANA on the Boston
> Group's efforts (and, indeed, in response to any of the suggestions made
> regarding alterations of the bylaws).
We are a bit concerned as well. We also submitted some rather
detailedchanges/amendments that are very much in line with what the "Boston
Working Group"
came up with as well. However they are only a couple of days old, so maybe more
is needed for review by the NTIA, IANA, and NSI. However it is also still
concerning that time is short.
> Is there any sort of formal process by which either IANA or NSI believe
> this should end? In the past, NSI has expressed a desire to have a final
> ratification by the Internet community. Is this still true?
Good questions. We would hope that NSI is, but the situation has
changedrather drastically in the past few days.
> Alternatively, how are the final bylaws submitted to the Internet Task
> Force? What role will Magaziner play in their final acceptance? Is this a
> mere accept or reject? Will suggestions be made?
All good questions. All unknown at this point.
> There are other voices that have been out there as well. Industry Canada,
> for example, published a consultive paper on the White Paper and solicited
> comments from its citizens on what stance it should take in the ongoing
> debate. Will this input be heard? What weight will it be accorded?
Let's hope that it is heard.
> Finally, I propose the following: if neither NSI nor IANA responds, cannot
> a group of stakeholders submit the Boston Group draft (or sme other
> version) as competing bylaws to those submitted by IANA/NSI. While such a
> move may prove futile in the short run, it would at least provide some
> evidence that the Internet "consensus" remains, at best, divided.
Well I think that this has been done.
> Harold
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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